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Add-PNPField: Add SharePoint columns with PowerShell

Sometimes it’s hard enough to map the exact business requirements on the intranet. Implementing them manually afterwards can lead to the requirements not being implemented exactly in the further course. Also doing it manually is very time consuming and frustrating, when mistakes are made. This is where automation comes in handy. If you are looking forward to automate your intranet, it is crucial to design lists by adding them programtically. When you add SharePoint columns with PowerShell, you can be sure, that mistakes are not made like choosing the wrong column type or wrong internal name. You basically ensure that your intranet follows the standards, which have been defined in the beginning by your stakeholders. Thus I thought it might be interesting to share my experiences with you. All my descriptions have been tested and can be used on lists and libraries.


You have to have access to the sites, where you want to add the SharePoint columns with PowerShell. Check out the article of Microsoft, if you are not sure, how to customize the permissions: Customize permissions for a SharePoint list or library – SharePoint (

To have a understanding, how lists / libraries can be designed, will help you to automate the procedures. If you are not familiar with this, try out creating and defining a list manually, to know what options are available.


Lets assume, we are looking forward, to create a list with various column types.

List scenario

The beginning will be this plank list:

Plank list


In the following, I will show you step by step how to add the SharePoint columns with PowerShell.

Step 1 – Connect to SharePoint

In order to add SharePoint Columns with PowerShell, you have to connect to SharePoint Online with PNP. PowerShell. If you are not sure about how to, check out: Connect to SharePoint Online with PowerShell (

$Credential = Get-Credential
Connect-PnPOnline -Url "" -Credential $Credential

Step 2 – Get the List

Get the SharePoint list or library with Get-PNPList

$List = Get-PnPList -Identity "ID of the list"
$List = Get-PnPList -Identity "978f0ca5-7cc9-4151-8ba0-2fc45d736723"

You can find the internal name of the list by running Get-PNPList.

Internal Name of Opportunities2

Step 3 – Add SharePoint Columns

After we have connected to the site and got the list/ library, we can add the desired fields. If you don’t want to add the fields to the default view, remove the paramter -AddToDefaultView.

I have used $DisplayName also for the paremter InternalName, since we cannot ensure, that the name for the internal name will be set, as you can see in the screenshot:

Screenshot of differing internal name

Add String Column

$DisplayName = "Delivery address (Customer)"

Add-PnPField -List $List -DisplayName $DisplayName -InternalName $DisplayName -Type Text -AddToDefaultView

The result of the string column looks like this:

added string column

Add Date Colum with Time

If you want to add the date column, without time, you can do it like this:

$DisplayName = "Date"
Add-PnPField -List $List -DisplayName $DisplayName -InternalName $DisplayName -Type DateTime -AddToDefaultView

The result of the date column with time looks like this:

Result of Date column with time

Add Date Column without Time

If you want to add the date column without time, you can do it like this:

$DisplayName = "Date without time"
$PNPField = Add-PnPField -List $List -DisplayName $DisplayName -InternalName $DisplayName -Type DateTime -AddToDefaultView
[XML]$SchemaXml = $PNPField.SchemaXml

Set-PnPField -List $List -Identity $PNPField.Id -Values @{SchemaXml =$SchemaXml.OuterXml} -UpdateExistingLists

The result of the date column looks like this:

Result of Date Column without TIme

Add Lookup Column

If you want to add lookup columns, you have to know the ID of the list and the Internal Name of the column, which you want to look up.

Let’s assume, that we will lookup the email address from the list Contacts.

Lookup column of contacts

The ID of the list contact is: a66ff40f-ceca-4f6b-a523-7fe32a97ea11

ID of contacts list

For the email column, you other can do it with GUI: Determine internal name of SharePoint Columns with GUI – SPO Scripts or with PowerShell:

Get-PnPField -List $List


Lookup Field of Email

Now you can add the column email address to the opportunity list.

$DisplayName = "Email"
$PNPField = Add-PnPField -List $List -DisplayName $DisplayName -InternalName $DisplayName -Type Lookup  -AddToDefaultView
Set-PnPField -List $List -Identity $PNPField.Id -Values @{LookupList= "a66ff40f-ceca-4f6b-a523-7fe32a97ea11"; LookupField="Email"}

The result of the lookup column looks like this:

Result of lookup field

Add Choice Column

First you define the choices, than you add the column.

$Choices = (
"Choice 1",
"Choice 2",
"Choice 3"

$DisplayName = "Choice"
$PNPField = Add-PnPField -List $List -DisplayName $DisplayName -InternalName $DisplayName -Type Choice -AddToDefaultView -Choices $Choices


Result of choice column

Add Boolean Column

$DisplayName = "Win"
$PNPField = Add-PnPField -List $List -DisplayName $DisplayName -InternalName $DisplayName -Type Boolean -AddToDefaultView

The result of the boolean column looks like this:

Result of boolean value

Add Number Value

$DisplayName = "Number of Stakeholder"
$PNPField = Add-PnPField -List $List -DisplayName $DisplayName -InternalName $DisplayName -Type Number -AddToDefaultView

The result of the number column looks like this:

Result of number column

Add Currency Column

$DisplayName = "Deal Size"
$PNPField = Add-PnPField -List $List -DisplayName $DisplayName -InternalName $DisplayName -Type Currency -AddToDefaultView

The result of the currency column looks like this:

Result of currency column

Add Notes Column

$DisplayName = "Notes"
$PNPField = Add-PnPField -List $List -DisplayName $DisplayName -InternalName $DisplayName -Type Note -AddToDefaultView


Result of note columns

Add Location Column

$DisplayName = "Location"
$PNPField = Add-PnPField -List $List -DisplayName $DisplayName -InternalName $DisplayName -Type Location -AddToDefaultView

The result of the location column looks like this:

Result of location column

Add Person / User Column (single person)

$DisplayName = "Sales Manager"
$PNPField = Add-PnPField -List $List -DisplayName $DisplayName -InternalName $DisplayName -Type User -AddToDefaultView

The result of the single people column looks like this:

Result of Person Column

Add Person / User Column (multiple persons)

$DisplayName = "MultiPerson"
$PNPField = Add-PnPField -List $List -InternalName $DisplayName -DisplayName $DisplayName -Type User -AddToDefaultView 
[XML]$SchemaXml = $PNPField.SchemaXml

$OuterXML = $SchemaXml.OuterXml.Replace('Field Type="User"','Field Type="UserMulti"')
Set-PnPField -List $List -Identity $PNPField.Id -Values @{SchemaXml =$OuterXML} -UpdateExistingLists

The result of the multi people column looks like this:

multi user column

Add Hyperlink Column

$DisplayName = "Url to Invoice"
$PNPField = Add-PnPField -List $List -DisplayName $DisplayName -InternalName $DisplayName -Type  -AddToDefaultView

The result of the hyperlink column looks like this:

Result of URL Column

Add Managed Metadata Column

Retrieve the Unique Identifier of the term set, which you want to add as a metadata column.

Visit admin center url and follow the numbers in the screenshot:


Now add it to TaxononmyItemID and run the cmdlets

$DisplayName = "Departments"
Add-PnPTaxonomyField -List $List -DisplayName $DisplayName -InternalName $DisplayName -TaxonomyItemId f076462d-bde7-4fa4-aa7b-4409a769fcd1

The result is, that the department column, pops up as a managed metadata column.

result of managed metadata column

Add Calculated Column

You can add a calculated column by defining a formular per each column. Check the reference, which shows you, how to define a formular: Examples of common formulas in lists – SharePoint (

Note: When you define the formular, you have to take the displayname. Internal names do not work currently.

Otherwise, you see this error:

Error when using internal name of column
$DisplayName = "Revenue per stakeholder"
$PNPField = Add-PnPField -List $List -DisplayName $DisplayName -InternalName $DisplayName -Type Calculated -AddToDefaultView -Formula ="[Deal Size]/[Number of Stakeholder]"

The result of the calculated column looks like this:

Result of calculated column

Add Image Column

$DisplayName = "Logo of customer"
$PNPField = Add-PnPField -List $List -DisplayName $DisplayName -InternalName $DisplayName -Type Thumbnail -AddToDefaultView

The result of the image column, looks like this:

Result of image column

Add Task Outcome Column

The task outcome column is designed to define the outcome of tasks like approvals. So basically it is a choice column, but you cannot allow fill-in choices and it is a single selection choice.

I will define following choices:

to be reviewed by supervisor

The default is empty. I want the people to make conscious decisions.

[array]$Choices = (
"to be reviewed by supervisor"
$DefaultChoice = ""

$Choices = $Choices |ConvertTo-Xml -NoTypeInformation
$Choices = $Choices.Objects.OuterXml
$Choices =  $Choices -replace "Objects", "CHOICES"
$Choices =  $Choices -replace "Object", "CHOICE"

$FieldXML = @"
<Field RowOrdinal="0" ColName="nvarchar15" Name="$DisplayName" StaticName="$DisplayName" SourceID="{$($List.Id)}" ID="{$([guid]::NewGuid())}" Indexed="FALSE" Viewable="TRUE" EnforceUniqueValues="FALSE" Required="FALSE" DisplayName="$DisplayName" Type="OutcomeChoice">
$PNPField = Add-PnPFieldFromXml -List $List -FieldXml $FieldXML 

If you want to make the field visible in the default view, you have to run following cmdlets:

$PNPView = Get-PnPView -List $List | Where-Object {$_.DefaultView -eq $true}

The result of our task outcome column looks like this:

result of task outcome column

Bonus: Complete Script

Like everytime, I have provided you the whole script to add a column:

$Credential = Get-Credential
Connect-PnPOnline -Url "" -Credential $Credential
$List = Get-PnPList -Identity 978f0ca5-7cc9-4151-8ba0-2fc45d736723

$DisplayName = "Departments"
$PNPField = Add-PnPField -List $List -DisplayName $DisplayName -InternalName $DisplayName -Type  -AddToDefaultView


As you can see, adding SharePoint Columns with PowerShell can save you a lot time, especially if you have to do it on multiple lists/ libraries and sites. I hope to save you a ton of work with this cheat sheet.


GitHub – pnp/powershell: PnP PowerShell

FieldCollection.AddFieldAsXml-Methode (Microsoft.SharePoint.Client) | Microsoft Docs

Image by StartupStockPhotos from Pixabay

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